[AK Geoarchäologie] Workshop in Kiel
Christian Stolz
Christian.Stolz at uni-flensburg.de
Mo Okt 29 09:39:16 CET 2018
Liebe Mitglieder des AK Geoarchäologie,
Sie erhalten heute eine Workshop-Einladung von Stefan Dreibrodt aus Kiel. Wir bitten um freundliche Beachtung.
Beste Grüße
Christian Stolz
Session 18
Transformations in geophysical and geoarchaeological methods
Session organizers: N. Pickartz*, W. Rabbel, D. Wilken, S. Dreibrodt
*corresponding chair, natalie.pickartz[at]ifg.uni-kiel.de
Keynote speaker: tba
In archaeological and paleoenvironmental research, geophysical and geoarchaeological data provide otherwise inaccessible quantitative information on subsurface anthropogenic structure and soils. To fully develop the information potential of this data, it is necessary to combine methods of data acquisition and interpretation from different disciplines – basically geophysics, geology, and archaeology-, thus giving rise to a new class of methodical approaches and scientific working tools.
In this context the term “transformations” used in the session title has a twofold meaning: First, “transformations” is understood in a methodical sense. It indicates the first aim of the session, which is to present and discuss new ways for transferring data and interpretational results of one discipline into something meaningful for the other disciplines. This will create synergy and increase the accuracy in the interpretation of physical and geological field data with respect to the remains of material culture and environmental development.
An application example are large settlement places, the remains of which can be probed only at random by drilling and excavation, and which can be surveyed and analyzed as a whole only by areal non-destructive geophysical measurements. The target parameters may be mass determinations, the shape and size distributions of buried house remains, or reconstructions of prehistoric fluxes of soil and transport energy. The methodology required for deriving quantitative results combines elements of physical and material on-site sampling, physical and sedimentological soil analysis, the determination of transfer functions relating archaeological and soil properties and their physical parameters, the development of 3D numerical models of the subsurface structure from geophysical data using transfer functions, 3D geophysical imaging and inversion, statistical assessment of the results, and so on.
The second meaning of the term “transformations” in the session title is a reference to the research subject of the Collaborative Research Center 1266. It indicates the second session goal, which is to present and discuss example studies using combined approaches such as outlined above, for analysing settlements as a whole and deriving indications of change in the remains of material cultures or soils in space and time. The session is directed especially to scientists who are working in, or are simply interested in, the developing field of combined quantitative analysis of geophysical, geoarchaeological, and archaeological data.
PD Dr. rer. nat. habil. Stefan Dreibrodt
Institute for Ecosystem Research
Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel
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