[AK Geoarchäologie] Geochrono Summer School

Christian Stolz Christian.Stolz at uni-flensburg.de
Di Feb 27 11:50:19 CET 2018

Liebe Mitglieder des AK Geoarchäologie,

anbei erhalten Sie eine Ankündigung für die Geochrono Summer School für Nachwuchswissenschaftler.

Beste Grüße
Christian Stolz

PD Dr. Christian Stolz
Akademischer Rat
Sprecher des Deutschen Arbeitskreises für Geoarchäologie (http://www.akgeoarchaeologie.de)

Europa-Universität Flensburg, Physische Geographie, Abteilung Biologie und ihre Didaktik
Auf dem Campus 1, D-24943 Flensburg (Raum OSL 484)
Tel.: +49-461-805-2339, Fax: +49-461-805-952339
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Christian_Stolz
Sprechstunde für Studierende: Mittwochs, 10-11 Uhr

Dear colleagues,
it is our pleasure to announce the

10th International Geochronology Summer School:
Dating techniques in environmental research

Date: 02 - 07 September 2018
Location: Klosters (Switzerland)
Webinfo: http://www.geo.uzh.ch/en/units/gch/geochronologysummerschool.html

Topics to be covered in lectures, excursions and workshops include dating techniques such as numerical methods
(radiocarbon, exposure dating with cosmogenic nuclides, OSL, 137Cs, 210Pb, etc.), dendrochronology, anthracology, archaeomagnetic dating, palaeolimnology, as well as relative methods like soil weathering and Schmidt-hammer technique. See also attached flyer.

List of Lecturers:
Holger Gärtner (WSL), Paolo Cherubini (WSL), Markus Egli (Univ. of Zurich), Susan Ivy-Ochs (ETH Zurich/Uni Zurich), Dennis Dahms (Univ. Northern Iowa), Irka Hajdas (ETH Zurich), Olga Solomina (Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geography), Jérôme Poulenard (University Savoie Mont Blanc), Eileen Eckmeier (LMU University of Munich), Rolf Kipfer (EAWAG), Evdokia Tema (Univ. of Torino), Pierre Valla (Univ. of Bern), Nathalie Dubois (EAWAG), Kurt Hanselmann (ETH Zurich) and others.

The Summer School is open to young researchers (PhD students and Post-Docs) worldwide.
Participation is competitive and will be limited to a maximum of 20.
The registration fee (720 CHF) includes accommodation (room sharing required),
half board and lunch, field trips and teaching material.

Registration: http://www.geo.uzh.ch/en/units/gch/geochronologysummerschool/registration.html

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