[AK Geoarchäologie]Nachwuchsgruppe Bereich 'Paleoclimate and Geoarcheology', University of Würzburg

Christian Stolz Christian.Stolz at uni-flensburg.de
Mi Apr 19 10:30:00 CEST 2017

Lieber Mitglieder des AK Geoarchäologie,

anbei eine Stellenausschreibung der Kollegin Birgit Terhorst aus Würzburg bezüglich einer Nachwuchsforschergruppe.

Wir freuen uns, viele von Euch/Ihnen demnächst in Erlangen zu treffen!

Beste Grüße
Christian Stolz

PD Dr. Christian Stolz
Akademischer Rat an der Europa-Universität Flensburg
Privatdozent an der Universität Mainz
Lehrbeauftragter an der Universität Rostock

Sprecher des Deutschen Arbeitskreises für Geoarchäologie

Europa-Universität Flensburg
Physische Geographie
Institut für mathematische, naturwissenschaftliche und technische Bildung
Abteilung Biologie und ihre Didaktik

Auf dem Campus 1 (Gebäude Oslo, Raum OSL 484)
D-24943 Flensburg

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

the University of Wuerzburg, Germany, has established a very well-equipped young-scientist programme, called "Excellent Ideas programme ": each junior research group consists of a group leader, a Postdoc and a PhD position funded over 5 years. In addition, some teaching by the group leader is requested (5 contact hours per week). 
Here, you can only apply for the group leader position. More information is given on the website below, applications are due by the 31st of May 2017.


Together with colleagues from pedology and archaeology, Prof. Paeth
(climatology) will be responsible for a junior research group in the field of paleo-climatic modeling entitled "Man-environmental relationships since the Neolithic in Central Europe" (follow the link in the call and look under the Faculty of Philosophy).

The objective is to develop a high-resolution regional climate model which simulates the climate over the last ~10,000 years in Central Europe with unprecedented spatio-temporal details and to match the model results with soil archives and archaeological find spots. The technical challenge is to implement all relevant forcings and boundary conditions and to include an isotope component in the regional climate model, potentially also a nudging scheme with respect to available proxy data.

The University of Wuerzburg is seeking young scientists at Postdoc level with international research experience, impressive publication record and, preferably, some experience in teaching and fund-raising.

You can contact Prof. Dr. Heiko Paeth, Prof. Dr. Birgit Terhorst or the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Prof. Dr. Roland Baumhauer, for further information.

Heiko Paeth

Birgit Terhorst

Roland Baumhauer

Prof. Dr. Birgit Terhorst
Institut für Geographie und Geologie
Universität Würzburg
Am Hubland
D-97074 Würzburg/Germany

Tel.: +49 (0)931 / 318-5585
Fax:  +49 (0)931 / 318-5544
Sekretariat:  +49 (0)931 / 318-5555

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