[AK Geoarchäologie] WG: Session EGU 2017

Christian Stolz Christian.Stolz at uni-flensburg.de
Di Nov 15 09:05:15 CET 2016

Liebe Mitglieder des AK Geoarchäologie,

anbei eine Session-Ankündigung von Florian Hirsch aus Cottbus auf der EGU 2017.

Beste Grüße
Christian Stolz

PD Dr. Christian Stolz
Vertreter der Professur für Physische Geographie und ihre Didaktik an der Europa-Universität Flensburg
Privatdozent an der Universität Mainz
Lehrbeauftragter an der Universität Rostock

Sprecher des Deutschen Arbeitskreises für Geoarchäologie

Europa-Universität Flensburg
Interdisziplinäres Institut für Umwelt-, Sozial- und Humanwissenschaften
Abteilung Geographie
Europe University of Flensburg, Germany
Interdisciplinary Institute of Environmental, Social and Human Studies
Department of Geography
Auf dem Campus 1 (Gebäude Oslo, Raum  OSL 484)
D-24943 Flensburg

Sprechstunde für Studierende: Sprechstunde: Montags, 14-15 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung.

Tel.: +49-461-805-2339
Fax: +49-461-805-952339
E-Mail: christian.stolz at uni-flensburg.de oder c.stolz at geo.uni-mainz.de
Internet: http://www.uni-flensburg.de/geographie/wer-wir-sind/team/pd-dr-christian-stolz/

Dear colleagues,

the call for abstracts for the EGU General Assembly in Vienna (23–28 April 2017) is open. We invite you to submit an abstract for our session on "The geomorphological and ecological legacy of (pre-)historic land use" (SSS.3.1./GM7.6).


Abstracts can be submitted until 11 Jan 2017. Applications for financial support are possible with abstracts submitted until 1 Dec 2016.

Session Details
SSS.3.1./GM7.6. Convener: William Ouimet, Co-Conveners: Florian Hirsch , Thomas Raab , Anna Schneider

Various small-scale anthropogenic relief features exist as legacies of (pre-)historic human land occupation and cultivation. Widespread and relatively well-documented examples are ridge and furrow systems, agricultural terraces, burial mounds or the remains of charcoal kiln sites.
Besides the modification of the relief, the anthropogenic influence on such sites has mostly caused an alteration of the soils, sedimentology or stratigraphy. Whether on purpose, in case of agricultural landforms, or not, the sites frequently differ from the surrounding landscapes in soil chemistry (e.g., soil pH, organic matter content, nutrient
contents) or soil physical properties (e.g., bulk density, water retention, texture). As a consequence, anthropogenic relief features can have specific ecological conditions and therefore affect, e.g., plant growth, species composition or soil development resulting in a diversified landscape.
In this session, we would like to gather studies focusing on different anthropogenic relief features, working on various scales and in different ecosystems in order to compare the legacy effects of different land use types and to make connections between small-scale anthropogenic relief features and their surrounding environment.
We invite contributions that approach the ecological significance of small-scale anthropogenic relief features by
- mapping their occurrence, e.g., using remote sensing data, digital elevation models, or field surveys
- analyzing their specific soil and sedimentological characteristics and their effects on plants and ecosystems
- exploring ecological interactions and interdependencies between anthropogenic relief features and their surrounding landscape
- studying ecological succession on anthropogenically influenced sites By bringing together such studies, the session aims at making a step towards an assessment of the effects of land use legacies on a landscape scale.

Dr. Florian Hirsch
Lehrstuhl Geopedologie und Landschaftsentwicklung Fakultät 2 - Umwelt und Naturwissenschaften Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus - Senftenberg
03046 Cottbus

Für Besucher: LG 4A, Raum 3.12., Siemens-Halske-Ring 8
T: +49(0) - 355 - 69-4613
F: +49(0) - 355 - 69-3346
florian.hirsch at b-tu.de

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